About MOT’s and the law

If your vehicle is over three years old, you must get an MOT for your vehicle by either the third anniversary of its registration or the anniversary of its last test.

During the test, important parts on your vehicle will be checked to make sure they meet the legal standards. You can watch the test from a viewing area but you’re not allowed to interrupt the tester. The test does not cover the condition of the engine, clutch or gearbox. The guide and inspection manuals tell you everything that’s tested. Your vehicle can either pass or fail the test. If it fails, you’ll get a list of things that need to be fixed.

If your vehicle passes you’ll get a certificate from the test centre and it will be recorded in the MOT database. The certificate will show the mileage recorded at the current and previous 3 test passes. This is shown as the ‘odometer reading and history’. Report any mistakes with the latest reading to the test centre within 7 days.

If your vehicle fails you’ll get a ‘refusal of a test certificate’ from the test centre and it will be recorded in the MOT database. You can appeal the result if you think it’s wrong.

You can be fined up to £1,000 for driving a vehicle without a valid MOT.

Contact us to arrange an MOT booking on 0121 476 1330 or check the MOT status of your vehicle here

Worried you may miss your MOT anniversary date? you can now get MOT reminders one month before your MOT is due by signing up with the DVSA here